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Monday, February 01, 2010
7:04 PM

It's official. I'm leaving blogger because I wanna "waste" my time using tumblr. Nah. It's because I find tumblr so much more fun. Heh. For now. Dont mind me. :D Toodles!


P.S. Link me up. Thankyous. (:

Saturday, January 23, 2010
5:13 PM

'That it will never come again, is what that makes life so sweet’ - Emily Dickson

When I first saw this phrase, I stopped to think for a while. It’s true isn’t it, the fact that what we experience in a second, whether good or bad, will not return again in the other. Our life is indeed, a life of a lifetime. Whatever experiences that I’ve had may not be all “cherry on top”, but they are something that I will never trade for anything at all in this world or universe. Oh, it suddenly struck me that I am very fortunate. I am actually very thankful for alot of things, like really really, alot! (:

I am first of all thankful for the wonderful family that I have; for my wonderful parents. It's very true, that we can only have one and only one pair of parents in this world. I am thankful for the way they’ve chosen to raise me up; although sometimes I feel abit unhappy about certain things, like how I can never sleepover at my friends’ place, or be home any later than 10pm etc. But then when I put myself in their shoes, I wonder, how am I going to raise my kids up in the future? I’ll prolly choose the same path given the social problems our society is facing today. [note that it’ll most likely be worst in the future] Bleahs. Okay, no, I’ll prolly loosen up for quite abit. Haha. (Y) This is just the present BUT my future, will be different. (:

I am also thankful for all those involved in my life. I think I am very fortunate to have people that I can talk to. And although I dont usually let people in, once they’re in, they’re there forever, god willings. (: There’s still alot of other things that I am thankful for in my life, and writing them here will take forever, so yes, I shall stop here for now. Haha.

I'm going to do my projects and some other stuffs now. There's like really really alot of stuffs need to be done. OMG. Freaking hectic! Gotta go. Toodles people! (: